IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


Main Article Content

Sandeep Kaur , Ashwani Sethi


Stenography techniques, integral to rapid transcription and information encoding across sectors like judiciary, journalism, and healthcare, have evolved significantly from traditional shorthand systems to modern digital solutions. Ransacking for just the right article is foremost preferred and is sort of challenging to look out to support the current requirements. With the advancement in technology day by day, the occurrence of hacking is increasing very often. In these modern times, the area of cybersecurity is in desperate need of prevention from hacking. Gone are those days when firewalls were handy to protect your data. We are required to try to do this individually to prevent cybercrime. According to Kaspersky Labs, a cyber-breach typically costs $1.23 million. This document aims to provide the most straightforward methods for aiding in data security through concealment. Because of frequent hacking and common weaknesses, data security has grown to be a critical concern. There are numerous methods for encapsulating and hiding data. Data protection techniques include steganography and cryptography. Stenography continues to progress in the face of a digitally driven information ecosystem, with challenges such as standardizing notation and incorporating AI into transcribing operations solved.

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