IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Analysis of Pearl S. Buck's East Wind: West Wind: Cultural Conflict as a Potent Force

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Cultural conflict is a clash arising from the interaction of people with different cultural values. China’s traditional and cultural values have a huge influence on the psychology and identity of its people. The conflict between the cultures of East and West in China can be seen in Pearl S. Buck’s first novel, East Wind: West Wind, which focuses on China’s difficult transition from tradition to modernity. The novel portrays the dilemma faced by the changing society of China, as the younger generation becomes more aware of the Western world and its culture. It concentrates on the changing attitudes of the young people towards family life and the emerging role of women in China. The novel also exposes the philosophy behind many ancient Chinese traditions that have kept women oppressed in the society for generations. It is an account of the changes the ancient culture had to endure due to Western influences, from the perspective of a young Chinese woman named Kwei-lan

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