IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Analysis of Investment Strategies across Various Financial Instruments of the residents of Pune

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Dr. CA Ojha S M


This study delves into the complex realm of investment strategies among the residents of Pune, aiming to unravel the nuanced dynamics that shape their financial decision-making. The primary objectives encompass understanding the mix of financial instruments in investment portfolios, evaluating risk tolerance variations, and identifying the factors influencing Return on Investment (ROI). A comprehensive research methodology employing a cross-sectional design with a sample size of 55 residents was adopted, ensuring a balance between meaningful analysis and practical feasibility. The analysis begins with a pie chart depicting the distribution of investments across various financial instruments, revealing Fixed-Income as the dominant category, indicating a preference for stability. The mean and standard deviation analysis of risk tolerance further unveils diverse risk appetites within each category, with Forex investors displaying the highest risk tolerance. The ANOVA test underscores significant differences in risk tolerance among financial instruments, emphasizing the need for tailored strategies. The regression analysis identifies significant predictors of ROI, highlighting the impact of risk tolerance, investment time horizon, market conditions, and investment knowledge. These findings align with the formulated hypotheses, providing empirical support for the influence of specific factors on investment outcomes. Considering these results, recommendations emerge for financial advisors, policymakers, and investors. Financial advisors are encouraged to promote a balanced approach, leveraging the stability of Fixed-Income while exploring opportunities in diversified assets. Tailoring strategies to match the risk profiles observed in different financial instruments is crucial, and personalized risk management plans should be emphasized. Policymakers can leverage insights from the ANOVA results to design targeted financial education programs, enhancing residents' awareness of distinct risk profiles associated with various instruments.

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