IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Analyse The Impacts Of Globalization And Industrial Agriculture On Local Food Systems And Rural Communities

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Lovepreet Singh, Pratibha


This research investigates the significant effects that modern agriculture and globalization have had on regional food systems and rural communities. The unrestricted flow of people, products, and services across national boundaries is a hallmark of globalization, which has facilitated the integration of economies all over the globe. The dynamics of food production, distribution, and consumption at the local level have changed as a consequence of the ensuing modifications to consumer preferences, distribution networks, and agricultural techniques. Due to its focus on large-scale mechanical farming, industrial agriculture has neglected traditional agricultural methods and presented difficulties for nearby farmers. Furthermore, customer tastes have changed due to global culinary trends, which have made fresh products obtained locally less important. The particular impacts on various communities are investigated via case studies, emphasizing the intricate difficulties that regional food systems must overcome. In addition to bringing about scientific and economic gains, globalization also raises questions about the sustainability of culture and the environment. Global supply networks and neoliberalism are two theoretical frameworks that provide light on these processes. In light of continuous globalization and industrial farming methods, the research highlights the significance of sustainable and locally adapted techniques to maintain the resilience, cultural legacy, and economic viability of local food systems and rural communities

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