IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

An Update on Types of Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs) and Associated Challenges

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Garima Goswami


The proliferation of hybrid electric technology in automobiles is covered in the paper that is being given. Vehicles with hybrid engines have the potential to consume less fossil fuels, produce less pollution, and enable the transportation of renewable energy sources. Internal combustion engines in conventional automobiles are powered by gasoline or diesel. In addition to having an internal combustion engine and the ability to be fuelled like regular automobiles, hybrid vehicles also feature an electric motor, a battery, and can run either partially or entirely on electricity. Hybrid automobiles may be set up to achieve a variety of goals, including better fuel efficiency, more power, or extra auxiliary power for electronics and power tools. In order to make hybrid vehicles as efficient as possible, several technologies, including electric motor drive, regenerative braking, automated start or cutoff to make them good as conventional vehicles.

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