IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

An Overview of the Categorization, Characterization, Production, and use of Nanoparticles

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Dr. Shalini J. Chahande,Thirugnanasambandam Ramanathan,Dr Rubina Sahin,Dr.B.Gowri Shannkari


Nanotechnology has permeated many industries because to its distinct and obvious effects, which have led to many medicinal, agricultural, and other scientific discoveries. Nanomaterials (NMs) are used to improve technology because their physical, chemical, and biological properties can change and they work better than bulk materials. NMs are put into groups based on their size, shape, origin, and what they are made of. Each categorization's ability to predict NMs' distinctive traits increases their worth. Demand for NMs rises with production and industrial usage. Nanoparticles are particles having one or more diameters between 1 and 100nm, according to ISO and ASTM standards. Nanoparticles that are organic, inorganic, or made of carbon have better properties than bigger materials. Nanoparticles have better qualities like high reactivity, strength, surface area, sensitivity, stability, and so on because they are so small. For research and commercial usage, nanoparticles are synthesised through physical, chemical, and mechanical procedures, which have improved over time. Nanoparticle kinds, characteristics, production techniques, and environmental applications are reviewed in this work.

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