IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

An Overview of Microbial Production of Lactic Acid from Molasses

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Arun Kumar Mahato, Leelawati Kumari


Lactic acid is a versatile organic acid with a wide range of industrial applications, spanning from the food and pharmaceutical sectors to biodegradable plastics and environmental remediation. This review paper aims to provide detailed information about lactic acid, encompassing its production, properties, and applications. The microbial production of lactic acid from molasses offers a promising and eco-friendly alternative to traditional chemical synthesis methods. As technology and bioprocesses continue to advance, this approach is poised to become increasingly competitive and sustainable, effectively addressing the growing demand for lactic acid across various industries. In recent years, microbial lactic acid production has garnered significant attention due to its sustainability and cost-effectiveness. Molasses, a byproduct of the sugar industry, serves as an abundant and cost-effective substrate for lactic acid production.

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