IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

An Overview of Blockchain Technology

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Gaurav Kumar Rajput


Blockchain technology is indeed a secure technology that saves data in such a way that changing, hacking, or deceiving the system is difficult or impossible. A blockchain is simply a computerized accounting system that is duplicated and shared across the blockchain's complete network of computer systems. Each block in the chain is mainly composed of several events, and whenever a new transaction occurs on the blockchain, a record of that transaction is added to the ledger of each participant. A blockchain is a type of smart contracts that records data using an irreversible asymmetric cryptography known as a hashing. Blockchains are futz digital ledgers that are resistant to tampering and are widely used in a decentralized fashion with no central authority. The author of this paper discusses blockchains and how it is used for security reasons. At its most basic, they enable a base of users to keep records in a shared ledger within that society, guaranteeing how no events can be altered after they have been published under standard public blockchain operation.

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