IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

An Investigation into the Design of Bituminous Mix with Recycled Ceramic Powder

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B G Rahul


In recent decades, there has been a significant surge in industrial and economic growth, leading to an enhanced quality of life for citizens. However, it is crucial to acknowledge that every production system generates by-products and waste, posing potential environmental impacts. These effects can manifest at various stages in a product's life cycle, from the extraction of raw materials to manufacturing, distribution, and the disposal of end-of-life products by users.To address both economic concerns and environmental pollution, recycling waste materials emerges as a paramount solution. This investigation aims to explore the stability and properties of bituminous pavement materials through the partial replacement of fine aggregate with waste ceramic dust, with an incremental replacement of 10%.Ceramic waste originates from two primary sources – the ceramic industry and construction sites involving ceramics. Utilizing ceramic dust in pavement construction holds the potential to minimize disposal issues and reduce pollution. The primary objective of this study is to ascertain the appropriate bitumen content and mix stability necessary for ensuring a durable pavement following the partial replacement of ceramic dust. Additionally, the study seeks to identify a cost-effective blend through a meticulous examination conducted in accordance with Marshall Mix design principles. Ultimately, this investigation aims to analyze the percentage of ceramic dust that can be economically replaced in bituminous mixtures for flexible pavement design. By doing so, the study endeavors to contribute to sustainable and environmentally conscious practices within the realm of pavement construction.

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