IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

An Ideal and Chivalrous Partnership : An Analysis of the theme of the „Erotic Love and Seduction‟ in John Keats‟ s “ La Belle Dames sans Merci”

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Ms. Mrinalini B Chavan
» doi: 10.48047/IJFANS/V8/I2/10


The study examines sensual love and seduction in John Keats' poem "La Belle Dame sans Merci." The intension is to investigate how the poem depicts love and cooperation and whether they match with the ideas of chivalry and ideal partnerships (Vermeulen, 2021). To achieve a full grasp of the issue of sensual love and seduction, the study takes a careful reading and textual analysis method, drawing on literary theories and critical views such as gender studies and romanticism. The study reveals the subtle nature of sensual love and seduction in "La Belle Dame sans Merci." The language, imagery, and symbolism of the poem offer a sophisticated description of love intermingled with aspects of mystery, danger, and power relations.

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