IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

An Extensive Literature Review on Theories of Financial Inclusion

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Athikho Stephen Kashisii ¹, Dr.Siluvaimuthu Mariadoss ²


Global finance has a structural dynamic, but since financial boundaries shift and the number of actors rises quickly, it is important to be flexible with empirical designs. The aim of the study is to examine a set of guiding principles that will help us grasp better what the goal of financial inclusion is, how to attain it, and who stands to gain from it. The study perceives the usefulness of financial inclusion theories that can be applied to academic inquiry, financial analysis, and debate of policy issues. Having critically reviewed some theories, initiated with formidable strategies, policies, and extensive research have been done over the decade. The present study points outpertinent factors that can be used in the framework of financial inclusion because these ideas are distinct from one another. The study helps us with a wake-up call about the need for diverse actors with the right knowledge and resources, who can clients the intended products and services, and who will use them to enhance their quality of life and lessen their financial vulnerability.Every theory is vital. Re-visiting the old and current theories, focusing on the reasons for failure, emphasizing the depth of its core value, and reorienting the theory to the situation would hasten economic progress and inclusive development

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