IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

An Explanation on Different Types of Attacks in Modern Cryptography System

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Rajendra P. Pandey


Data may be transmitted and stored using cryptography in a specific format so that only the intended recipients can access it and use it. Cryptology, cryptanalysis, and cryptography are all closely linked fields of study. Most frequently, encryption and decryption are used to transform plaintext, also known as clear-text, into cipher-text. The act of converting plaintext back into plaintext is characterized as encryption. By identifying a flaw in a code, cypher, cryptography protocol, or important management scheme, a cryptographic attack is a technique for getting around the security of cryptographic system. Attacks are frequently classified according to the action taken by the perpetrator that are all reviewed in this paper. A thorough discussion on the types of attacks is also provided in this paper which was then followed by a concluding remark.

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