IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

An Evaluation of IoT Integration in Medical Sector: Major Issues and Solutions

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Priyank Singhal


Increased acceptance of IoT technologies within the medical industry is often quite modest. Significant obstacles towards the effective adoption of IoT and for delivery of medical activities have been posed by medical practitioners. Numerous research have provided crucial perspectives on the use of IoT within medicine. However, a detailed, comprehensive evaluation of the driving forces behind IoT deployment has still been required. One goal of our research would be to compile available information regarding the variables which motivate medicine providers to deploy IoT technologies. Some pertinent information are reviewed, gathered, examined, and then carefully synthesised in this work. To find applicable papers spanning 2010 to 2017, both automated as well as manually searching techniques were used in this assessment. Eight great science datasets were used to conduct a thorough exploration of this same publications. At the technological stage, observed utility, considered usability, speed requirements, as well as commitment aspirations are indeed the IoT uptake determinants. Reported data leakage is another key element at the safety stage. Reported intensity as well as estimated disease danger are indeed the primary determinants at the medical stage as well.

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