IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

An Empirical Study on the Problems of Mango Cultivation and Marketing

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Dr. A. Udaya Shankar, Dr. Pujitha, Sravanthi Yadav.K


India has a well-known agrarian economy worldwide. The nation is noteworthy in the world for the vivid diversity of its fruits, vegetables, and flowers. This industry is extremely important to the nation's GDP, employment, and exports. A few fruits, like the mango, are particularly noteworthy since they are produced in India, which leads the world in this regard. Even though India is successfully maintaining its position as the world leader in production, overall productivity has declined over time. Based on the specifics of the information supplied by a study conducted using secondary data obtained from the government regarding a few factors, including area, manufacturing and productivity, and mango export. According to the data, among developing economies, India ranked first in terms of mango production and exports. With reference to Krishna District, the current study attempts to address the problems farmers face when trying to sell mangoes nationwide.

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