IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

An Eco-Critical Viewpoint on Arundhati Roy's Critique of Nuclear Weapons.

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Thanvish Nandhan. K


Suzanna Arundhati Roy has heterodox views on every issue she takes up. Her activism is motivated by her revolutionary views. The revolutionary views and ideas lead her to be a part of environmental activism. This activist’s temperament was imbibed from her mother who was also a women’s rights activist. Her activism touches up on a great range of issues from India's nuclear bomb testing to the recent Farmers’ Bill of 2020 in India and from the wars instigated by the USA in the Middle East countries to the displacement of the tribals in Central India. She has questioned the policies of Indian and Pakistan governments that developed, tested and amassed the nuclear weapons. She elaborates up on the impacts of the explosion of nuclear bombs, wars being instigated by America and their deadly consequences on the planet earth. The present article endeavors to analyze the activism of Arundhati Roy with respect to her critique of wars and nuclear weapons from the eco- critical perspective.

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