IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

An Analysis on Sentiment identification of Images Using Deep Learning

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U D Prasan1*, P Ramana2


Human emotion recognition plays an important role in the interpersonal relationship. Emotions are reflected from speech, hand and gestures of the body and through facial expressions. Hence extracting and understanding of emotion has a high importance of the interaction between human and machine communication. He/She expressions are detected and then the dataset is compared to give the desired output on a particular scale. The main objective of this project is to develop the emotion recognition system from facial Expressions. Facial emotion recognition is the process of detecting human emotions from facial expressions. The human brain recognizes emotions automatically, and software has now been developed that can recognize emotions as well. The emotions can be classified into 7 classes — happy, sad, fear, disgust, angry, neutral and surprise. The programming for this will be done in Open CV and Keras using the Haar Cascade library for the detection of facial features.

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