IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

An Analysis on Security Challenges in Big Data and Solutions

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Vineet Saxena


Nowadays, among the most valuable resources for businesses across all industries is information. Big data as well as relevance have been steadily increasing, that has led to a novel issue that can't be solved through conventional analytic methods. Consequently, a conceptual framework known as "Big Data" has been developed in order to address such issue. Big Data has, nevertheless, given rise to fresh problems that concern data security as well as privacy as well as dataset volume as well as diversity. Designers made the decision to conduct an examination in order to get a comprehensive understanding of the topic. Our goal was to emphasize the key problems concerning Big Dataset privacy as well as the remedies put out by the scholarly establishment to address these. In this work, researchers provide the outcomes of a thorough modeling analysis that was applied to the Big Dataset environment's cybersecurity. Since it is nearly difficult to do in-depth investigation on the whole subject of safety, the results of this study provide a broad overview of the primary protection issues that face Big Dataset systems, as well as the greatest important remedies that have been put forward by the academic industry.

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