IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

An Analysis of the theme of “Life and Death

Main Article Content

Ms. Mrinalini B Chavan
» doi: 10.48047/IJFANS/V9/I2/9


The purpose of this study is the poem “Birches” written by Robert Frost, describing the author’s capability to take what appears to be the monotonous functions of life. After this, the poet changes it into something that grasps a profound meaning of life and death. The main aim of this study is to determine the interrelationship between imagination and reality in the poem “Birches”. Robert Frost knows that the curve of birches can be lowered by ice storms, though he it is compassed by some of the energetic pranksters. The main problem regarding this theme of “Life and Death” is that both words are contradictory in manner, and presenting them in juxtaposition is quite challenging. The method used in this study to analyse the theme of “Life and Death" is the psychoanalytic literary criticism theory. This theory stated that the unconscious mind of the author connects him with his childhood experience. It is found that with the use of the selected theory, Birches by Robert Frost interacts with the desire of adults to hide adulthood’s reality sometimes by the pleasure of a child’s playing. The “author is nostalgic” for the unworried occurrence of “swinging from a birch tree”, and experience as though children were capable to find fun in their most boring and leisurely times. It can be concluded that this poem is lyrical overall, yet it has some dramatic turns within its sudden alteration of images and ideas. This poem is full of deep thoughts with the inner feeling of the poet. This poem is full of deep thoughts with the inner feeling of the poet.

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