IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

An Analysis Of The Reception Of Women's Writing In Rajasthani Literature, Focusing On The Manner In Which The Works Of Female Authors Have Been Seen And Evaluated By Readers And Critics

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This study intends to analyze the reception of women's writing in Rajasthani literature, analyzing how their works have been received and interpreted by readers and critics. The study investigates the evaluation and reception of women's writing within a literary tradition that is predominantly controlled by males, using literary reviews, critical essays, and interviews with readers and writers as sources of analysis. The study claims that the reception of women's work has been influenced by gender prejudices, societal conventions, and cultural expectations. By exploring the reception of women's writing in Rajasthani literature, this study offers insight on the intricacies of gendered literary practices and the obstacles experienced by women writers in India.

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