IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

An analysis of the contributions and obstacles faced by women writers in Rajasthani literature

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This paper explores the role of female authors in Rajasthani literature, specifically highlighting their contributions and the obstacles they encounter. The study utilizes feminist literary theory and qualitative research methodologies, such as conducting interviews with women writers and analyzing their literary works. The study examines the literary scene in Rajasthan and brings attention to the lack of female writers and the challenges they have in achieving recognition and getting their work published. The research additionally examines the subjects and preoccupations that female authors delve into in their literary creations, including gender roles and expectations, patriarchy, and women's autonomy. In essence, the study contends that women writers have made noteworthy and substantial contributions to Rajasthani literature. However, their perspectives and narratives are frequently overlooked or suppressed. The paper continues by examining the ramifications of this research for advancing gender parity in the literary sphere and fostering greater inclusivity and diversity in the portrayal of women's perspectives in Rajasthani literature.

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