IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

An Analysis of Software Testing Methodologies and Automation Testing

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Aaditya Jain


Software testing is the process that includes running a software application and identifying any problems or problems so that the finished article will be free of defects. Software testing is the fundamental way to determine the quality of any software package. The number of certification techniques and ways to verify the software before it moves into production and off courses to market has multiplied due to the global advance in technology. The testing process has been changed by automation testing. Consequently, the majority of software testing is carried out using algorithms, which reduces both the number of people using the technology and the potential for operator mistakes. Test cases used in automation make it simple to record and maintain numerous situations. As a result, the performance of software testing depends greatly on the software automation testing method. The purpose of this research is to compare unit work to automated testing while learning about numerous software testing kinds, approaches, and devices.

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