IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

An Analysis Of Indian Investments And Economic Growth Post Covid -19 Pandemic

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Prof. Praveen Suryavanshi,Dr. Ashwini Rodrigues


India is well poised to become to developed countries in coming years, after Covid-19 Pandemic India has recover very fast, all the sectors in India are doing very well and in coming years India will in number one in world, there is a positive growth in the GDP also. According to a research by EY, India's GDP would reach $26 trillion (in market exchange values) and its per capita income will reach $15,000 by 2047, firmly placing it among the developed countries. All the sectors of India are also performing well. With significant growth in net sales in the quarter ended March 2022, aided by a general improvement in demand, the business sector has started to show indications of resurgence. The gross non-performing assets (GNPA) ratio decreased to its lowest level in six years during H2 of 2021–22, increasing the lending capacity of the Indian banking system, which then entered a consolidation phase. Investor confidence has been boosted by a well-capitalized financial system and better business sector fundamentals. Strong macroeconomic underpinnings of the economy are reflected in the economy's resilience in Q1 2022–2023, pointing to positive growth, Perspective for the upcoming quarters. Real GFCF to GDP increased from 30.5 to 32.0 percent in 2021–2022 as a result of a rebound in investment confidence. This paper will focus on growth of India in Investment and all sectors.

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