IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


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J.Chaiatanya , Rishitha Satla , Siri Chandhana, Yashwanth Bingi , Ramya Valapadasu , Dr.V .Ramdas


Alumni portal provides a common platform for institute and the alumni. Every educational institutes need to connect the alumni. So, the main aim for developing this web-based application is make it possible for the alumni of the college to bridge a connection with college and that will help institute to substitute the manual system of the alumni records with an automated one. This will make alumni easy to know the current running programs in college which are useful to them. This also connects alumni among them and can unlock new opportunities. Current Graduating can also contact the alumni and can unlock large opportunities. Current graduating students can know about the stuff like current industrial trends, different ways to apply for jobs, opportunities in their fields, etc. This application can make a lot of things easier for institution.

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