IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Alluri Edu Kondalu: A Psychoanalytic Audit in A Prison Diary of an Ordinary Man

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Mrs. S. Aswathi, Dr. A. Subashini


The research paper is a psychoanalytic study of a character named Alluri Edu Kondalu, a fellow prisoner of M. Chandrakumar in Guntur Jail, Andhra Pradesh, India, as depicted by Chandrakumar in his non-fictional book called The Prison Diary of an Ordinary Man. The book in itself narrates the traumatic life history of many prison mates the author has come across during his incarceration. Among those personalities Alluri Edu Kondalu is one prominent figure that no reader can erase him from one’s memory. Alluri seemed to be a tough person both from inside as well as outside. He was once a reputed head constable in his native, Tenali; but then he landed up in jail for committing a cruel murder. The researcher finds many clashing conflicts in Alluri’s psyche. Alluri seems to face a lot of unconscious struggles in fixing his temperament. He was not able to bring balance between his ‘id’ and ‘ego’ thus takes aid from his mind’s defense mechanisms to rely, reflect and sometimes to justify his act.

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