IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Air and Noise Contamination by Oil as well as Gas Industry

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Kul Bhushan Anand


The petroleum industry, sometimes known as the oil patch, consists of activities such as exploration, processing, production, as well as transportation. The need to develop in sync with the environment is always tough in a world of insatiable demand and production. Many activities in the oil and gas sector release various forms of toxins into the air, land, and water, polluting the ecosystem as a whole. This paper discussed the interpretation and analyze air and noise pollution in the oil and gas business. Many occurrences have been documented that have resulted in health difficulties among industry personnel and the surrounding public. Noise, which may be caused by a diversity of activities as well as equipment, well pumps, including truck traffic, compressors, drilling, flaring, fracturing, as well as venting, is one of the most prevalent concerns of homeowners living near oil and gas operations. In the future the data on air and noise pollution levels associated with oil and gas development is limited, measurements can be compared to a large body of epidemiological research assessing the non-auditory effect on environmental air and noise pollution exposure and community-wide public health guidelines.

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