IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


Main Article Content

Ashwani Sethi, Parveen Kumar Garg


The number of automobiles in the modern world has skyrocketed, but our roads and transportation systems are still far from completed, making it impossible for them to handle this rise in vehicle traffic. As a result, some prevalent features of our modern cities include traffic congestion, traffic accidents, and elevated pollution levels. An extraordinary stage for handling traffic-related difficulties has been made by the Internet of Things' development and its application in smart cities, which has prompted the development of intelligent traffic management systems (ITMS). This article presents work on an intelligent traffic control system in view of information examination, distributed computing, and the Internet of Things. As far as assessing the best course, bringing down normal stand by times, facilitating traffic, bringing down movement expenses, and limiting air pollution, our proposed approach helps with the goal of the numerous challenges that traffic management specialists experience. The system will likely utilize AI calculations to estimate the best courses in light of factors, for example, precipitation levels, mishap rates, vehicle characterization, and traffic activation designs. Ultimately, the system develops the idea of a "green corridor," where emergency personnel may move about without encountering any form of traffic jam

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