IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

AI-Enhanced Assessment of the Complex Impacts of Construction Activities on Agricultural Land: A Comprehensive Analysis

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1Hashmi Syed Suhel, 2Syed Wasim Nawaz Razvi, 3Mazher Khan, 4Mohammed Ishtiyaque, 5Syed Mohsin, 6Amairullah Lodhi Khan, 7Mohammad Zeeshan Raziuddin, R. K. Krishna, 9Abdul Aleem


Using AI-enhanced approaches, this study piece provides a complete overview and analysis of the complex repercussions of building operations on agricultural land. This study, titled "AI-Enhanced Assessment of the Complex Impacts of Construction Activities on Agricultural Land," investigates findings from 11 relevant studies spanning various geographical locations and research techniques.The study dives into the effects of building on the amount and quality of agricultural land. It combines findings from research such as China's conversion of agricultural land to building land and the resulting degradation of soil qualities. It also goes into geographical evaluations of agricultural land for soil erosion risk, as well as the consequences for land conservation and renaturation.In addition, the research investigates the role of artificial intelligence in tackling the various difficulties connected with construction-induced land alterations. It focuses on AI-enhanced approaches for data gathering, analysis, and prediction to examine the impact on agricultural land more thoroughly. The study emphasizes the significance of using AI technology to acquire a better understanding of the changing dynamics of construction's influence on agricultural ecosystems.This study not only gives a thorough review of the area but also highlights the potential of AI-driven analysis in identifying and mitigating the consequences of building operations on agricultural land, ultimately leading to more sustainable land management practices.

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