IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


Main Article Content

Dr. R.V. Suganya, Dr. G. Venkateshwaran


The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into the realm of Indian education has emerged as a transformative force with the potential to reshape traditional teaching and learning paradigms. "Making AI Work in Indian Education" explores the multifaceted impact of AI on the education landscape of India. This comprehensive study delves into the challenges and opportunities presented by AI in Indian classrooms and elucidates how AI technologies can be harnessed to enhance the quality and accessibility of education. The paper underscores the imperative of a learner-centric approach, advocating for personalized learning experiences tailored to the diverse needs and contexts of individual students. However, it emphasizes the necessity of creating an enabling policy environment that empowers educators to make informed decisions about AI integration, thus avoiding undue dependence on AI-driven content and pedagogical choices. Furthermore, the document highlights the importance of promoting teacher and student participation in the design and implementation of AI-based systems, fostering a sense of agency and responsibility. It draws from successful models of ICT integration in education and underscores the significance of educators and students being at the forefront of AI adoption. The paper also addresses the broader socioeconomic implications of AI in education, emphasizing the need for awareness and critical perspectives on AI's role in society. It calls for interdisciplinary education that goes beyond superficial discussions and dives deep into the ethical, societal, and economic dimensions of AI. Additionally, the document advocates for frameworks that safeguard the beneficial use of community data, ensuring data privacy and security while preventing monopolistic control over educational data. It encourages decentralized ownership and control of data to avoid the centralization of power and protect school autonomy. In conclusion, "Making AI Work in Indian Education" urges a balanced and informed approach to AI integration in education, fostering active participation, ethical considerations, and awareness to harness AI's potential as a force for positive social transformation in the Indian educational landscape

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