IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Agrarian Distress on Agro based MSMEs in Madurai District

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The continuous lifetime stress among the farmers and agricultural waged workers become a element of life style of agricultural community It also creates the various kinds of problems in all kinds of agro based MSMEs such as Withdrawal of business relationship due to Farmers Sue sides /Premature death of farmers. Withdrawal of business relationship due to stopping of cultivation activities, Reduced sales / Services level by trading and services MSMEs, Failure of value additions activities of MEMEs and Close down of the MSMEs. The integration of rivers at regional level, strengthening of the functional areas without political intervention in existing primary agricultural cooperatives, formation farmer’s producer’s federations, setting up modern agricultural farming either cooperative or private fold, modernization of agricultural practices in rural are the sum of the suggestion to avoid the agrarian distress.

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