IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


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Aim of the study was to examine the gait cycle in different age groups using g-sensor. The symmetry of left gait cycle and right gait cycle was analyzed with the help of finding. Method: Thirty (30) healthy female subjects were selected from L.N.I.P.E., Gwalior of age- ranged 14-20 years. Thirty subjects were divided into two experimental groups and one control groups. Each group was having ten subjects. Subjects’ data were recorded with the help of G-walk BTS G-sensor smart analyzer. During data collection each subjects have to walk barefoot, at a self-selected speed on a ten-meter straight line, starting and finishing line was mark. Each subject was started behind the starting line of ten-meter and stopped after covering the ten-meter distance. Result: Balance training significantly influences selected age groups and significant change was found in 17-20 years age-groups in case of left to right gait cycle. The mean and S.D of treatment group1 (14-17 years) for left gait cycle was 96. 01 (±2.64), treatment group 2 (17-20 years) was 97.12 m (±2.23), control group was 97.26 (±1.38) and total mean and S.D of left gait cycle as 96.79 (±2.15) whereas for right gait cycle in case of treatment group 1 (14-17 years) was 96.31 (±2.91), treatment group 2 (17-20 years), as 96.78. (±2.30), control group 95.216 (±3.22) and total mean and S.D of right gait cycle as 96.10 (±2.82). On the basis of graph no.2, it can be concluded that the mean value was more in treatment group 2 as compare to treatment group 1 as well as with control group in case of left to right walk gait cycle. Graph 2 shown that the training was effective for treatment group 2 in term of left to right gait cycle as the mean value of treatment group 1, 2 and control group for left and right gait cycle were as follow: 96.01, 97.12, 97.26 and 96.31, 96.78, 95.21. On the basis of explained value treatment group 2 was having better mean value in left and right gait cycle as compare to other groups.

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