IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Adverse Impact of Socio-political Turmoil on the Psyche of Women: An Analytical Study of Aruni Kashyap's The House with a Thousand Stories

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S. Sri Sakuntala,Dr. Mutyala Suresh


This research paper examines how socio-political turmoil originated due to the long-existing ethnic conflict in Assam society that causes mental trauma in individuals, especially among women, with reference to Aruni Kashyap's The House with a Thousand Stories. The hypothesis of this research is that the select novel would objectively and creatively reflect the then-contemporary socio-political turmoil in Assamese society that caused mental trauma among the people of ethnically and economically weaker sections in Assam society and its impact was more severe on the psyche of women.

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