IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Advancing Livelihood Through Employment in Non-Farm Sector in Assam

Main Article Content

Princhi Tamuli, Debashree Saikia


The economy of Assam is largely based on agriculture. Along with traditional rural activities such as farming and agricultural labour, rural households can and do engage in a wide range of non-agricultural activities such as wage employment and self-employment in commerce, manufacturing and services. The Rural Non-farm sector has gained considerable importance now-a-days as an alternative strategy for generating employment, reducing poverty, for achieving higher rate of growth and for development of rural areas. As an emerging sector non farm sector attract attention of different researcher and policymaker. The study explores the Work Participation Rate and sectoral distribution of population in different Non-farm activities. Studies have shown that with the passage of development, the share of income and employment in non-farm activities of the rural household increases. The combination of both farm and non farm income at the household level also provides a cushion against adverse situations in agriculture.

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