IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


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Memory technology is required for software that enables for quick searches. Computers use Content Addressable Memory (CAM), a specific type of memory, for searches. CAM allows you to retrieve stored data based on its content rather than its physical location. Ternary CAM (TCAM), an upgraded type of CAM, can hold unnecessary data. TCAM is particularly strong in router-based networking applications. An Energy Efficient TCAM (EE-TCAM) is one that consumes the least amount of power, according to considerable research into TCAM design methodologies. Because just one SRAM row is accessed at a time during search operations, EE-TCAM uses less power than other SRAM-based TCAM systems. Other systems, on the other hand, dedicate the entire SRAM to searches. After partitioning the TCAM table, a pre-classifier is constructed. This study's major purpose is to create an EE-TCAM for the Zybo7000 platform using the Vivado design suite and the Verilog HDL language. A full functional study is performed to explore the power, latency, and resource needs of a 6*6 EE-TCAM. The statistics show that EE-TCAM uses very little energy and has very little latency..

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