IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

A Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) and it application in electrical system

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Manish Joshi


A wireless sensor network is a particular kind of wireless network made up of a great deal of moving, self-propelled, tiny, low-powered objects containing sensor nodes known as motes. These networks undoubtedly encompass a sizable number of sparsely placed, diminutive, battery-operated, embedded devices which are networked to gather, process, and send data to users, and this has resulted in the control of computing and processing capacities. The challenges occur in WSN such as security issue, cross-layer optimization, performance, energy efficiency, as well as node failure tolerance. Hence author focusses on the advantages of WSN in electrical system such as because it is scalable, any new node or device may be added at any moment. Since it is malleable, physical division is possible. Access to any WSN node is possible via a centralized monitoring system. In this paper author discusses on the different types of wireless network, structure of a wireless sensor network, and application of wireless sensor network. It concluded that small nodes having wireless communication, processing, and sensing capabilities make up wireless sensor networks. Numerous protocols for data distribution, power management, including routing have been created especially for WSNs, wherein energy awareness is a crucial design consideration. In future, the use of the wireless sensor network will become more extensive and varied as a result of the quick development of sensor as well as communication technologies

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