IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


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Dr. Neetu Udgirkar,Dr. Amruta Khedkar


This research aims at examining and analyzing sustainable business practices in various Asian developing economies. It also acknowledges the challenges these nations confront in putting sustainable practices into effect. To accomplish the goals of the study and respond to the primary research questions, a systematic literature review approach was used. Establishments in many developing Asian nations are concerned about ecosystem problems and are starting to invest in sustainable business strategies. Nevertheless, they have a variety of implementation difficulties that differ by nation. Throughout order to help businesses and governments create new practices or enhance current ones for better results, this study adds to a deeper knowledge of the sustainable practices being used in Asia. Future research may build on this study by include other countries and sectors and conducting empirical testing to acquire a more thorough grasp of the subject at hand. This is because the study was controlled to a few Asian nations and a small number of sectors. Organizations may embrace sustainable practices that are acceptable for them and strive to teach workers and all stakeholders on how to execute these practices by using the knowledge of that suit to various Asian nations gathered in this study. The identification of the obstacles to the implementation of sustainable practices in each nation in this study can assist policymakers in creating and enacting regulations to address the limitations of prevailing arrangements.

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