IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

A study to assess the effectiveness of informational booklet on knowledge of mother regarding home management of selected common illness in fewer than 5 year children in selected rural area of Pakwada, Moradabad.”

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Ms Shashi,Prof. Dr. Vikas Choudhary


The study was conducted in major district in rural area 2021. To assess the effectiveness of information booklet on knowledge of mother regarding home management of common illness among children aged 2 months to 5 year in the group, Meghe Wordha, Maharashtra . The size of sample is 50 mothers of children aged between 2months and 5 year one group pretest and post test design was used . Participants were consist of 50 mothers from Neigh was the, Maharashtra Result overall mean knowledge score in pretest and post test reveals posttest knowledge score was higher i.e. 18.16 with S D of + 1.68 when umpired to pretest knowledge score which was 9.24 with S D of +2.90 .The statistical paired 6 + test implies difference in pretest and posttest knowledge score found to be 21.06 statistically significant at level 0.05%.

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