IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

A Study To Assess The Effect On Mini Anapana Meditation Technique On Mild Depression And Cognitive Dysfunctions Among Patients With Cardio Vascular Disorder On Their Family Wellbeing After Discharge To Home Of Mumbai, Maharashtra

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Mrs Chitra A. Beldar, Dr. Maharaj Singh, Dr. Nilesh Shah , Mr. Atish D. Kadale


The Prevalence of mental health problems i.es. Mild depression and cognitive Dysfuction in patient with cardiac diseases due to high Medical and Surgical interventional demand and acclimatization difficulty faced by patient during their stay in ICCU , is the current challenge in the field of survival. Mini Anapana is meditation technique i.e Observation of breathing that means to simply observe Inhalation and Exhalation with natural flow without controlling it. Is Taught by Lord Gautama the Buddha around 2500 years ago. It promotes positive qualities like self control,self-confidence ,hopefulness and positive thinking which automatically helps in improving health.. Also improves immune system, decreases heart rate , controls blood pressure ,improves pulmonary circulation and enhances the smooth functioning of all vital organs of body . The Aim of the study is to assess the effectiveness on Mini Anapana meditation technique on laboratory parameter and personal wellbeing of patients suffering from mild depression and cognitive dysfunctions of ICCU After discharge to home. Another aim is to compare the family reasponses with demographic variables .The bibliographic search was carried out by using web of science specially CINHAL ,Indian and international pcychitric and cardiac journals, major referances from Vipassana research academy Igatpuri about scientific effect of Mini Anapana on human body (specially on cardiac system) . A quasi experimental study among 100 participants were enrolled for Mini Anapana technique, where by Mini Anapana tool for before and after score was derived from Laboratory parameters after 30 day continue practice of Mini Anapana at home. Interview technique was used to collect data regarding personal Responses of individual after practicing Mini Anapana . Whereas the demographic variable were also assessed pre-post Mini Anapana meditation technique. Data was stored in MS-Excel, statistical analysis was done in In-Stat Software, For comparison of pre and post data we had applied chi square test p<0.05 was considered as statically significance. The pre and post comparisons among all laboratory parametres of Mini Anapana technique was carried out , only ECG, Cardiac Enzymes and on Blood sugar level shown the positive impact of Mini Anapana mediattion technique and was found significant hence we could state that this technique really helps to cognitive dysfunction and mild depressive patients. Total five common responses were marked by investigator Reponse no- 1 – Practicing Mini Anapana daily Benefits in improving my mental health by reducing Anxiety ,anger ,stress , tension Intolerance and my irritation. Response no -2 - Practicing Mini Anapana daily Improves my efficiency in my work and productivity. Response no -3 - Practicing Mini Anapana daily beneficial in improving my family life as well as my inter personal relationship. Response no -4 - Practicing Mini Anapana daily improves self awareness. Response no -5 - Practicing Mini Anapana daily benefits in maintaining mental equilibrium and optimise in adverse situation. Based on these Responses demographic variables were compared and analysed by using chisquare test. The demographic variables such as Age ,Domicile, Education, Religion has positive correlation in reducing depression and cognitive dysfunction among selected cardiac patients Thus Mini Anapana meditation technique plays important role in cardiac patient of mild depression and cognitive dysfunction, and society gets benefited to save life and money at early stage of risk.

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