IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

A Study on the Challenges of Cultural Assimilation in Gish Jen's World and Town

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Jeniffer Shaheena Singh G., Dr. Stephen Foster Davis


The novel World and Town by Gish Jen explores the challenges of cultural assimilation in a panoramic way.Gish Jen is a contemporary American writer and speaker of Chinese descent. Jen raises thought-provoking questions about the complexities of personal and communal identity and the impact of immigration and globalization on a community through her novel. The paper discusses the clash of traditions and values experienced by new cultural norms, the erosion of community values and traditions with the influx of new cultures, the frustration and tension in intercultural interactions, the difficulty in balancing cultural heritage and assimilation, and the generational gap in attitudes towards assimilation. It also highlights the costs of assimilation on personal identity. The abstract concludes by emphasizing the importance of inclusive and empowering approaches toassimilation in order to foster social cohesion.

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