IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


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Prof. Dr. Sanjay Vilas Yadav


Employment in any industry is impacted by the introduction of new technology whose objective is to increase productivity. The initial result of such technological introduction is the reduction of workers to some extent. At some point, the productivity from the new technology reaches a plateau. If the business requirements are increasing, it is possible that the firm or industry must start to hire new workers to meet the increased industry demands. The introduction of technological improvements starts the cycle a new. Technology is changing the world of work and reshaping labor markets. This paper focuses specifically on the effect of ICT-enabled smart machines, smart devices, and smart techniques on employment. There is considerable scope for policies to shape these effects on employment – as well as how ICT itself will affect how some of these policies will be delivered. The focus here is on public employment services and ways they can support the opportunities ICT can provide to workers and the self-employed. There are clear opportunities from digital jobs and the wider use of digital tools. Some jobs might also be digitized to varying extents, with some workers or part of their functions being replaced by technology. The ability to take advantage of opportunities will also vary among individuals; workers with higher levels of skills more likely to benefit, while those with lower skills might be less prepared and hence more exposed to risks of lower job quality and of job loss. Technology is also changing the nature of employment relationships, with implications for the risks individuals face.

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