IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

A study on impact of nutritional education on food habits and academic performance with emotional maturity in adolescents of two different states in south India

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K Hemamalin, B Babitha


Adolescents today are healthier, better educated and more aware. Despite these achievements adolescents continue to be at a disadvantage and face barriers that restrict their access to resources, inhibit their ability to make choices about their lives and limit access to education, employment opportunities and access to reproductive health care services. The current study was conducted in schools of Vijayawada in Andhra Pradesh state and Chennai in Tamilnadu state of India from 2015-2017. The list of private corporate and Government secondary schools in the local government was collected from the two different cities of State Ministry of Education. From adolescents of age group of 13-15 years who were there at school during the period of study, nutritional status survey was considered as the study subjects. Convenient sampling technique was used to choose the sample size. A total of 1080 children between age group of 13-15 years were taken, out of which 553 were from Vijayawada and 527 from Chennai. Further, sub divided among boys’ and girls’ categorized as overweight, underweight and Normal. Samples were selected from schools as it was easy to take the follow-up with children for pre and post nutrition education. The persistence of the study was educated and approval was obtained from the Head of the Institution. Parents were also refined of the school nutritional status survey by the school authorities. A predesigned and pretested questionnaire was used to collect data concerning demographic characteristics and any current health complications or in the current, past by one to one interview method.

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