IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


Main Article Content

B. Vinisha, Dr. G. Venkadasalapathi, Dr. M. Edwin Gnanadhas


Green marketing is a phenomenon which has developed particularly important in the modern market, this concept has enabled for the thrill and the existing packaging Products that already comply with these guidelines. In addition, the development has opened the green marketing connect the door of opportunity for companies the praised quality green products in separate line, some while ignoring the other. This organization of the market Techniques are explained as the direct result of the movement the spirit of the consumer market. As a result of this Companies have increased targeted their consumers if you are concerned about the environment. These same Consumers by their concern are interested in integration by buy to environmental issues in their decisions. Their involvement in the process and content of the each product marketing strategy may be necessary. This article describes, as companies thought to have their Rate targeted green consumers, those who are affected. On the environment and it can have effect on all their purchases decisions? The document identifies three segments green consumers and examines the challenges and the opportunities companies with green marketing. We examine the trends of green marketing in South Tamilnadu and describe the reason why the companies are adopting the green marketing, and the future of the green marketing and finds that green Marketing is something that constantly grow in both Practice and application .

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