IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

A Study on Factors Affecting Climate Change

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Arun Gupta


Climatic change is often defined as a wide range of regular climate conditions, such as circumstances being hotter, wetter, or drier over an extended period or longer. Environmental change is distinguished from typical climatic inconstancy by a longer-term trend. Environmental change is exacerbated by changes in the amount of ozone-depleting compounds, vapor sprayers, as well as darkness in the Earth's environment. The most well-known source is the burning of petroleum compounds, which releases carbon dioxide gas into the atmosphere. By altering incoming sun oriented radiation or active infrared radiation, ozone depleting compounds and sprayers affect the Earth's energy balance. Changing the amount of various gases or airborne particles might cause the environment framework to become warmer or cooler. Since the dawn of the modern period, human activities have had a general warming influence on the environment. The impact of humans influencing the climate throughout this time period much outweighs that of apparent standard features such as daylight-based instability and volcanic emissions. The author of this study discusses the elements that influence ecological change. Later on, this research aids in the understanding of ecological change is important.

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