IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

A Study on Dealing with Invisible Stressors by Smart Academicians

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SabaInamdar1,DrSafiaParveen2 Dr. Shushma.Hamilpurkar3


Teacher stress is inevitable in the education industry. Stressors causing stress are dynamic in nature. Thesestressors could be visible or invisible. Visible stressors are directly job-related whereas invisible stressors are known as camouflagedstress that are specificallyrelatedtotheteacher.Work-relatedstressorshavebeenexhaustivelylistedin ample previous research works but the impact of VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity)worldneedsanemphasisonthestudyofteacherstress.Dealingwithteacherstressisalthoughachallengebutisquintessential for well-being of an academician. Earlier studies suggested stress coping strategies that need extra timeand sources like, exercise, nutritional diets, sleep patterns, meditation, yoga, time management and alike. Thispaperaimstostudythemindsetasastress-copingstrategy.Therootcauseofstressismindthusitshouldbedealt at the mental level. The human mind can be classified into two viz., rational mind and emotional mind. Theintensityofemotionsdecidesthelevelofdominationbytheemotionalmindovertherationalmind.Strikingtheright balance between the two minds paves way for coping stress. The paper concludes that stressors causingstress should be understood, acknowledged and dealt appropriately.

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