IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


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M. Bharathi,Dr. J. Kannan


We develop a model in which we map or graphically derive consumer preferences. These are measured in terms of the level of satisfaction the consumer obtains from consuming various combinations or bundles of goods. The consumer’s objective is to choose the bundle of goods which provides the greatest level of satisfaction as they the consumer define it. But consumers are very much constrained in their choices. These constraints are defined by the consumer’s income, and the prices the consumer pays for the goods. The individual consumer has a set of preferences and values whose determination is outside the realm of economics. They are no doubt dependent upon culture, education, and individual tastes, among a plethora of other factors. The measure of these values in this model for a particular good is in terms of the real opportunity cost to the consumer who purchases and consumes the good. If an individual purchases a particular good, then the opportunity cost of that purchase is the forgone goods the consumer could have bought instead.

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