IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


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Dr. Priyanka Mohan


Since time immemorial the human race has evolved, nature has nurtured mankind. But with the increasing pace of industrialization and globalization it has been observed that Humans have changed ecosystems more quickly and widely than ever before.The degradation of ecosystem services would probably get worse over the 21st century. This resulted in a substantial and largely irreversible biodiversity loss; climate change increased the risk of nonlinear changes. Planet Earth is one but the world is not. We all depend on one biosphere for sustaining our lives. Some consume the Earth's resources at a rate that would leave little for future generations. Fears goes around apocalypse may occur or if not , then Earth won't be a safer and sounder home for us and for those who are to come. Sustainable Development has become the buzzword. Environmentalist, Ecologists, Industrialist, World leaders have been strategizing to save climate and nature from human wrath and reckless consumption of resources. Sustainable development is the idea on which a healthy planet rests. It emphasizes that the human race can meet their present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The “official” definition of sustainable development was developed for the first time in the Brundtland Report in 1987. Specifically, sustainable development is a way of organizing a planet in such a way so that it can exist in the long term. Preservation of the environment and natural resources or social and economic equity for existing and future generations Popularly known as ELF-Environment, Local people, Future -Around these, the term Sustainability revolves.

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