IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

A Study of Select Medicinal Plant from Marathwada Region: Mythological Review

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Ms. More Anuprita Jaibai, Dr. S. Shahab Ahmed


India is full of biodiversity and medicinal plants. Plants, trees and other elements have always been worshipped in India. There are several mythological rituals are connected with medicinal plants. Tree worship continues to be a feature of modern Indians traditions. There are many medicinal plants that are considered to be holy plants. The present research has select 5 holy plants for mythological review from Marathwada region. Being a researcher, it comes to know that holy plants have medicinal values and are used to cure several sicknesses. Therefore, the present research is going to enquiry about mythological review of select medicinal Plants.

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