IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

A Study of Factors Impacting Workplace Happiness: A Literature Review

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Ms. Ashwini Shelkea,Dr. Naim Shaikhb


This study's goal is to comprehend the factors that can affect workplace happiness by reviewing the existing literature on the subject. Research Methodology: Thorough comprehension of the available literature on the phenomenon researcher has summarized the review output in the article. Findings: Previous studies have shown that factors including intrinsic motivation, job engagement, and organizational support have an impact on workplace happiness. Practical implication: Organizations can include these elements into the working environment as a result of this study's demonstration of how certain factors affect workplace happiness. Originality: This study focuses on specific factors like intrinsic motivation, job engagement, and organizational support—or lack thereof—that influence workplace happiness. An overview of the research on the factors that lead to workplace contentment is especially included in the study.

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