IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

A Review Paper on Water Pollution

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Ravindra Komal Chand Jain


When contaminants pollute water sources, the water becomes unsafe for eating, cooking, washing, bathing, and many activities. Pollutants include pollutants, garbage, pathogens, and worms. Contamination from the ground may penetrate a subterranean river, then a river, and finally the sea. This article tackles the following topics: an introduction of river contamination, water pollution categories, freshwater polluted effects, and water pollution kinds. Water contamination became a global concern, necessitating a regular review of water resources management to combat it. Water pollution causes deaths and diseases all across the world, with over 14000 people dying each day as a consequence. Both industrialized and developing countries are concerned about water contamination. Water quality is influenced by rainfall, temperature, soil type, flora, geography, circumstances, underground freshwater, and people activity. These studies will help in future study to understand the overview of water pollution.

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