IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


Main Article Content

Satyendra Kumar Mishra, Lakshmi Mishra, Arpita Choudhary, Keshari Kishore Jha


In the current scenario people are deeply concerned about their health because of lifestyles have changed drastically due to increase in working hours and various psychological pressures, which have led to an increased incidence of various life-threatening diseases.[1] In addition to this they are frustrated with the expensive, high-tech, disease-treatment and management approach. The demand for nutraceuticals and phytonutrients has increased over the past few years and they are being used by people for various outcomes. Nutraceuticals have also found considerable trust in treating headaches and migraines resulting from stress. Other related nutraceutical products are touted as cures for thinning hair, lack of confidence poor complexion, varicose veins, alcoholism, depression, and lethargy. In this chapter we made an attempt to classify all types of nutraceuticals with examples followed by their application in the treatment of various disorders. Furthermore, the implantation of the designing and development of dosage forms for offering better delivery nutraceuticals carrier of theimportance and challenges have also been enumerated. Products known as nutraceuticals can be used as medication in addition to being nutritional. A substance that has physiological benefits or offers protection against chronic disease may be referred to as a nutraceutical product. Nutraceuticals can be used to boost wellbeing, slow down aging, stop chronic diseases from occurring, lengthen life expectancy, or support the body's structure or functions.[1,2] Due to their potential for having nutritional,safe,and therapeutic impacts, nutraceuticals have recently attracted a lot of attention. These medicines have demonstrated promising outcomes in a variety of problems, according to recent investigations. Much work has gone into the current review to propose novel ideas regarding nutraceuticals based on their potential to treat or prevent diseases. The presentation of herbal nutraceuticals that are helpful against difficult-to-treat oxidative stress-related diseases like allergies, Alzheimer's, cardiovascular obesity, diabetes, Parkinson's disease, ocular, immunological, inflammatory, and cancer. employing scholarly websites including Medline, PubMed, and Google Scholar, searches were conducted on recently published studies regarding various elements of employing nutraceuticals as a pharmaceutical substitute. The terms used were nutraceuticals and allergy, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, cardiovascular, cancer, and diabetes. [3]

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