IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

A review on Influence of alcohol consumption on immunological status

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Dr. Supriti


The purpose of this paper is to show and debate how various amounts of alcohol intake affect the immune system. In order to evaluate the effects on activity, number, distribution, balance, interaction, and responsiveness of immunocompetent cells, not only the quantity eaten but also the kind of alcoholic beverage must be taken into consideration. Alcohol exposure and the likelihood of getting an alcohol-related illness are linked by a number of factors. Age, gender, smoking habits, food consumption, and physical activity are all variables to consider. When the host's cellular and humoral immune responses were evaluated, it was shown that moderate alcohol intake may have some advantages. Furthermore, antioxidant-rich alcoholic drinks like red wine may act as immune cell defenders. According to the research reviewed, daily alcohol consumption of 10–12g for women and 20–24g for men is deemed moderate; the kind of beverage consumed is not a factor in determining moderation. The U- or J-shaped curve, which also indicates that light to moderate drinking has a protective impact, is frequently the subject of special study. This inverse connection suggests that light and moderate drinkers are at lower risk, whereas heavy drinkers and non-drinkers are at greater risk.

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